“You get the best efforts from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within them.” — Bob Nelson
The quote above is a great thing to remember. Too many times, offices end up with a leader who, instead of helping others succeed, tends to let the Office Manager or Practice Administrator title go to their head. They do more “directing” than “educating,” and I feel this has really led quite a few practices down the path of high turnover and dissatisfaction.
Leaders shape success, and while sometimes being a leader is not all that awesome (frankly, it is exhausting at times), by training your staff, you’re helping shape that success. Let your staff know that training helps educate them, helps constructively correct what they might be doing wrong, and prevents future mistakes. It’s about helping them succeed.

The first step is finding the team members that need training to make sure they are up to speed. Then you need to make sure that the team members who say they know how to do everything really do know how to do everything. With Profitability Coaching, we have learned the best way to do this is to have each staff member show you how they do their specific task. This way you can make sure they are doing it correctly and not leaving out any steps. It also gives both of you a chance to see if there is a more proficient way to do their task.
So many offices are only using a fraction of their Practice Management system, even though they think they are using much more of it. When we do the Profitability Coaching Program, they realize how much they are missing. Here is a commonly used acronym for teamwork, and it is one our Profitability Coaching lives by daily:
T – Together
E – Everyone
A – Achieves
M – More
Another very true statement is “you don’t know what you don’t know.” It is critical for your team to use
A majority of employers in any field have staff attend some type of Continuing Education, and our Practice Development Program is an option we provide to raise the team up through training, Profitability Coaching, and testing so your staff can be fully educated on Dentrix.
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If you found these ideas helpful, you may be interested in learning more about the Dentrix Profitability Coaching Program, where these, and many other great concepts, strategies and ideas are taught to you and your team by one of our highly skilled and experienced profitability coaches. To find out more about Dentrix Profitability Coaching, CLICK HERE.