Spending a lot of time checking insurance eligibility for your patients can be such a time-consuming task for your office. You want to work smarter, not harder! We have all heard that before—and we agree.
Using the Insurance Manager in eCentral, you can check the eligibility of a patient with one click of a button. That’s right: no logging in to dozens of different portals, no calling and being transferred, no being placed on hold!

When you are seeing a patient either for a scheduled appointment or as an emergency, you not only want to make sure they are eligible, but you also want to get a breakdown of benefits. Once you receive the eligibility of the patient, you can click on that status and get a breakdown of benefits. That breakdown helps you to collect the co-pay at time of service.
Seeing a new patient not yet in your Dentrix system? No problem, you can still get eligibility for that patient, and you don’t even have to enter them into Dentrix. In fact, you can check their eligibility quickly and easily while you are talking to them on the phone—and you don’t even need a lot of information from them.
Save time, gain efficiency, and work smarter, not harder.
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If you found these ideas helpful, you may be interested in learning more about the Dentrix Profitability Coaching Program, where these, and many other great concepts, strategies and ideas are taught to you and your team by one of our highly skilled and experienced profitability coaches. To find out more about Dentrix Profitability Coaching, CLICK HERE.