Every year, the ADA comes out with new CDT code changes. This means they have added new procedure codes, deleted procedure codes, or revised procedure codes. This year there are 15 new codes, 5 revised codes, and deleted codes.

It is important to take time to look at the list and learn how the changes will relate to your practice. I have already received numerous phone calls regarding D9940, occlusal guard, by report. This code has been deleted and replaced by:
D9944, occlusal guard – Hard appliance, full arch
D9945, occlusal guard – Soft appliance, full arch
D9946, occlusal guard – Hard appliance, partial arch
Make sure you install the update for the new CDT 2019 dental codes and move the deleted ones so no one continues using them.
Also when coding, always remember to code for what you have done, not what the patient’s benefit plan covers. Dental plans are required to recognize new CDT codes but are not required to pay benefits for new or revised codes.
Accurate coding means fewer claims rejections and speedier reimbursements. Taking time to look the information over will help your office code more accurately for what you are doing and gain maximum reimbursements for those procedures.
A great resource for coding is Dr. Blair’s Coding with Confidence book. It has insights on every ADA code!
So every year, stay ahead of the game and prepare for the changes to impact your office.
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